Sidetapa, The Headquarters of Bamboo Weavers, Even Without has Bamboo Gardens

Sidetapa Village.
     The people of Sidetapa Village, in the Banjar District, have been known as weavers of bamboo handicrafts. From their skilled hands, printed traditional handicraft objects are used for the means of life of the Balinese people. Like, basket, Ngiu, Guungan. The three types of crafts are the most widely made by people. Baskets are usually used by farmers to place grass. While Ngiu is a round-shaped woven bamboo to clean rice. Gungan is a bamboo caterpillar commonly used by the Balinese as a separate chicken coop. There are some residents who also make handicrafts from Bamboo to decorate the house or interior equipment at home or villa. Typically, this interior craft market can penetrate the international market. So, almost ninety per cent more, local people working as bamboo weavers. However, even though all the people here are bamboo crafters, but they have to buy bamboo raw materials from outside the village, especially from the Tabanan Regency. In the village of Sidetapa, there is a very little bamboo forest for these handicraft materials.

     Sidetapa village is denoting as an ancient village or called Bali Aga in Bali, so there are many unique things here. Bali Aga Villages consists of  Sidetapa, Cempaga, Tigawasa, Pedawa and Banyuseri. Some of these villages also have many residents weaving bamboo. As in the village of Tigawasa, the residents typically weave beds or bamboo walls. Some in Cempaga and Pedawa villages also have residents who weave or produce beds. On these five villages, the most dominant residents still undergo bamboo weaving works are Sidetapa Village and Tigawasa Village. Sidetapa Village is located at an altitude of approximately 600 above sea level. This village is actually surrounded by hills and valleys. The village of Sidetapa is directly adjacent to Cempaga and Tampekan Village. If you visit Sidetapa Village, you can enter from the Dencarik Village area, in the Banjar District, then head south in Tampekan Village, after that you will arrive at Sidetapa Village.

     Reading the profile of the Sidetapa Village Government, the area of ​​Sidetapa Village reaches 965.43 hectares. The location of the village in the highlands makes this village very fertile. Here, it is a producer of cloves, as well as fruit plantations. There are very few bamboo plantations, which are the raw materials for woven bamboo crafts in Sidetapa Village. The results of woven bamboo are sold to buyers. In this village, many residents open businesses as buyers of woven bamboo. these buyers who buy handicrafts from Sidetapa villagers and then circulate them to all corners of the traditional markets in Bali. Do not be surprised, the results of the Sidetapa villagers' craft are not only circulated in Bali, but some are brought to East Java. Beautiful natural view with Balinese people who works as weavers of bamboo, making this village always visited by foreign tourists. Many tourists want to learn how to weave even if only just.
Visit: to see various kind of local handicraft in this village and get to order for your souvenirs. 


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