Popular Camping Ground Of Buyan Lake In Buleleng, Bali.

Buyan Lake Camp
     Camping at Buyan Lake Bali is one of the exciting activities to do in groups, relax in the open with friends. Camping activities can reduce or even eliminate fatigue from daily routines. For myself camping activities are more on activities to find identity, how to be friendly with the open nature, make friends with the night wind and chat with bonfires. Regarding the camping location, have you ever heard of Lake Buyan Campground? Lake Buyan Camping Ground is more famous as "Bumi Perkemahan Danau Buyan". Lake Buyan Campsite, which is located in Pancasari Village, Singaraja City or the border between Tabanan Regency and Buleleng Regency. From Denpasar to the camping location it takes about 1.5 hours (by motorcycle). The location is located 1 km from the Bedugul botanical garden.

     If you ask where camping or outdoor camping that offers cool and unspoiled air, then the answer is you have to visit Lake Buyan Bedugul Bali and the location of the campsite is right on the edge of the lake and on the south side of Lake Buyan. The camping area at Buyan Lake stands on a large field area and is also fun because it is under a tall, shady tree that makes it shady. When you happy side by side you will see natural scenery where the air is cool and the atmosphere is calm and the area which is behind the hill of the camping area which turns out to be a favourite of tourists. For adventure lovers, you can also explore the lake area such as trekking, Cycling and trail bike tour activities.


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