Buyan And Tamblingan Lake In Bedugul, Bali

Buyan Lake View
     Lake Buyan is one of the hidden lakes in Bali and you need to know that 3 of the 4 lakes in Bali are located in the Bedugul highlands of Bali. For those who are under the foot of Mount Batur Kintamani is Lake Batur. Many tourists who visit for a vacation to Bali Bedugul attractions only know Lake Beratan, even though there is a beautiful lake located very close to Lake Beratan, are Lake Buyan and Lake Tamblingan. Lake Buyan and Tamblingan Lake are very popular in the nickname of the twin lakes in Bali. There are a lot of nice and beautiful tourist attractions in Bali that offer a lot of charm and charm. Maybe all this time we think that Bali is only popular with its beach resorts. This time we will discuss some of the tourist attractions in Lake Buyan. You need to know that Buyan Lake is at an altitude of 1,350 above sea level which certainly has cool and comfortable air and at night it becomes very cold. Lake Buyan is located on the location or in the middle of a very thick and still natural area of ​​tropical forest, at this time Lake Buyan is designated as a natural tourism area designated by the government where the area is not only Lake Buyan but includes the existing lake around it is the Tamblingan lake area. The area of ​​natural tourism park in Bedugul Bali reaches approximately 1700 hectares and it does not include forest areas on the edge of the lake. Many tourists visit this place for reasons to find a place to relax and refresh. Lake Buyan has a natural feel that is very different from other tourist attractions on the island of Bali. Where Lake Buyan offers tourist attractions that the atmosphere is quiet and calm and comfortable to live in because it is far from the hustle or bustle of the city crowd.

     Lake Tamblingan indeed gives a lot of charm and appeal but behind it, Lake Tamblingan has a very interesting historical story that began in the 10th - 14th century AD, Lake Tamblingan is a village located in Mount Lesung to the south of the lake and the population is scattered and dividing their area into groups and as for the location chosen to move and the location is still around Lake Tamblingan Bedugul. These four new villages around Tamblingan Lake are now known as Munduk Village, Gobleg Village, Gesing Village and Umerejo Village, separate areas but residents in these four villages take turns continuously from time to time to take responsibility for protecting Tamblingan Lake starting from cleanliness, preservation of nature and to spiritually protecting the region by performing religious ceremonies. 

     Lake Tamblingan has a unique story that tells the history and has a unique story side. Tamblingan Lake has its origins to be named Tamblingan which according to the story notes that there is in a Kuntara Kuntara Lontar, the Purana Bangsul, which in the palm is told that the name Tamblingan comes from two syllables namely Tamba which means medicine and the word Elingang which has a meaning of remembering or spiritual ability. It is said that previously Tamblingan residents were plagued by epidemics of infectious diseases that were very difficult to cure so that the people around suffered suffering and despair. Until one day there was a saint of them trying to find a cure to overcome the plague that struck the villagers. And the saint went down to a small lake located just below the village they lived in, namely Lake Tamblingan by finding water from the lake that would be given to the people who had suffered the plague. And finally, the disease suffered by the residents was cured. If you want to visit Tamblingan Lake, don't hesitate because this lake offers natural beauty and mountain highlands that have cool air. Tamblingan Lake region is indeed located in the Park Tourism area which is known by the temperature of the air is very cold at night, always wet and dew dripping in the green leaves.

Click Here To Explore : BEDUGUL TRIP. 


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