An Authentic Traditional Balinese Home In The Penglipuran Village Of Bangli

Penglipuran Village

      Penglipuran Village in Bangli is a rural area that has become an icon of a tourist village in Bali, has become a destination for domestic and foreign tourists. Access to the location is quite easy on the main lines of Bangli and Kintamani, about 45km from Denpasar, Exactly, Bangli District. Located north of the city of Bangli. In the village of Penglipuran Bali, the only original Balinese traditional house that can still be found today, is very well organized and maintained. Amid the rapid pace of modernization of science and technology, residents in Penglipuran village in Bangli can still maintain the cultural heritage of their ancestors. Their houses are made exactly the same from one another, the same material, such as walls, or a buffer from the ground and a bamboo roof. Bamboo here thrives and is guarded for the benefit of making houses, and for the death ceremony.
     The name is indeed exactly the village 'Penglipuran' meaning entertainer, which is suitable for a place of relaxation and rest, supposedly in the era of the kingdom of kings deliberately to come here to rest because the atmosphere is calm and peaceful. The name Penglipuran village comes from Pengeling Pura which means a holy place to remember ancestors. The livelihoods of the local population are farming, in the morning they work on their farms and in the afternoon they sit in front of the house interacting with other residents, so that social relations between residents are well maintained.

     The development of Penglipuran village in Bangli as a tourist area is indeed very appropriate, because it has a unique culture and tradition supported by a beautiful atmosphere, comfortable, conducive, and very clean environment because it is located in the highlands, at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level, so that the air is cool, plants grow fertile in Penglipuran village looks green and beautiful, a village that still maintains the culture and traditions of its ancestors in the midst of progress and modernization.
     A glimpse of the Penglipuran village in Bangli. Entering the Penglipuran village area in Bangli there is a village boundary called Catus Pata, here there are open spaces such as landscapes, the village hall as a place to welcome you. Vehicles are not allowed to enter the residential area, special parking has been provided for visitors by buying a ticket we can enter the area of this traditional house.
     Entering the gate of Penglipuran Bangli Village, a beautiful atmosphere will be seen, both sides of the road will be planted with grass and flowers, lined with plots of houses, and facing each other between the road segments, with the same area lined up neatly, between one house and another house connected with a door to be able to access each other, there is no fear of loss, the same angkul-angkul or entrance is made rather narrow so that motorcycles can not enter, motor vehicles such as cars are not passing by in this traditional house area. 
     arrange a travel agenda to visit the tourist attraction of the village of Penglipuran, often requested by the school or foreign guests who want to know more closely with the local culture. Travel here can take advantage of car rental services in Bali or tourism bus if on holiday together with a group. A full day tour in the direction of Penglipuran Village can package it by visiting a number of other tourist objects in Bali in one direction such as Kintamani, Ubud and Tampaksiring.

So many attractions in Bali that you can make for the purpose of the tour, if you want to know the local culture with all kinds of traditions, the Penglipuran village can be the next tour destination. 

Offer Tour Package To Bangli Penglipuran Traditional House and Kintamani Mount Batur View IDR 750.000 / 4 people. 


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