The Jati Luwih Rice Terraces

The Jati Luwih Rice Terraces

     The Jati Luwih Rice Terraces are a culture heritage site in the Tabanan Region of Bali. Most Famous for its dramatic and exotic terraced landscapes. the cool highlands and breathtaking scenery make for the perfect retreat away from the island's crowded south. Once an UNESCO culture heritage site candidate, The Jati Luwih Rice Terraces comprise over 600 hectares of rice fields and are maintained by a traditional water management cooperative known as " Subak ", which dates back to the 9th century. Entrance to the main area requires a fee that goes to the local village cooperative but, is usually covered by tour guides. The view are truly impressive with 180 degrees of gently sloping terraces as far as the eye can see.

     The Jati Luwih is derive from the name of " Jati " and " Luwih ". Jati means Really and Luwih means especial, good, and beautiful. so, that is why, it is one of recommended places to visit in Bali with a beautiful view base on the name. In Jati Luwih you will see the local paddies are planted in this place and look typically of the high relative size plant compared with other pre-eminent paddy planted by most farmer in Bali. By exploring your journey to this place is not only see the Rice terraces but, it is famous with its organic agriculture system, cultural potential where, the history of  the Petali temple existence that is related to the power of Ida Dalem waturenggong as the King in Keraton Gelgel in ( 1460-1552 ). This place supported by cool temperature because located in the height of 700 meters above sea level and provides the public facilities such as : parking area, toilet, resting hall for guests who is enjoying the beautiful panorama, and restaurants. This is your right place to go to savor your holiday in Bali.


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