Goa Gajah Temple Or The Cave Of Elephant In Bali

Goa Gajah Temple
     Goa Gajah Temple or the cave of elephant is located in a small village of Bedulu, North of Denpasar. Goa Gajah was founded some times in the seventh or eighth century by Brahma priest in memory of a monastery built by their Indian teacher Agastya. Therefore, if was called Darma Anta Kunjara Pada. The word Kunjara in Sanskrit means elephant, which in Balinese is Gajah, and Pada means monastery or dormitory. in the hall of the cave stands a statue of Ganesha, the God of knowledge and a beautiful " Lingga ". The unique and beautiful relief decorating the cave immediately make us appreciate and admire the outstanding master piece created by ancient Balinese artist. Hindu Balinese consider the cave as a sacred place. In front of it there is an ancient bathroom with six waterspouts. 

     The History of Goa Gajah is where, The discovery of Goa Gajah began with reports from officials of the Dutch East Indies, LC. Heyting in 1923 found the statue of Ganesha, Trilingga and the statue of Hariti to the Dutch East Indies government. This was followed up by Dr. WF Stutterheim to conduct further research in 1925. In 1950 the Archaeological Service of the Republic of Indonesia through archaeological building sections in Bali led by JL Krijgman conducted research and excavations in 1954 to 1979 and found an ancient petirtaan site with 6 female statues (nymphs) ) with a shower in the chest and until now its existence can be trusted to provide a aura of purification vibration for visitors.

     In 1931 Conrat Spies also found a significant heritage in the Tukad Pangkung complex in the form of a three-pronged stupa carved on a collapsed stone wall lying at the base of the Pangkung Tukad. Since 1950, after the Archaeological Agency of the Republic of Indonesia has opened a branch office in the Bali branch office located in Gianyar under the leadership of J.C. Krijgsman, research on ancient relics in Goa Gajah received special attention. This was proven in 1951/1952 by excavation in the front yard of the mouth of the cave. From the excavation found an ancient rectangular foundation, where the front wall of the cave as one of its long sides.

     In that year cracks were also found on the ceiling of the cave as a result of frangipani tree roots that grew on the cliff to the right of the cave's mouth. When cleaning the soil and roots in the western part of the cave, two stone fragments were found, the first fragment being the top of a giant head above the cave pit, the second fragment was the carved part of the east wall. Besides that, there was also found a sword made from padas stone which was part of a giant statue in front of the cave.

Find More Temples Tourist Attractions In Bali. 


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