Feel the vibes of beautiful beach view on the famous temple in Bali.

Tanah Lot Temple In Bali
     Tanah Lot Temple is a beautiful tiny island located in Tabanan approximately thirty-one kilometres west of Denpasar. Tanah Lot means " Land in the Sea ", parts of the island are covered with green vegetation and high on the cliff stood a temple built by a Hindu priest who can from java a long time ago. The temple was built in the 16th century, and it has been there up to now, completely surrounded by water at high tide. There are many caves and holes on the walls of the cliff, where a lot of sea snakes live. Balinese believe that they are the guards of the temple and it is forbidden for anybody to harm or kill them. Tanah Lot Temple is the best sunset view in the afternoon and some sellers sell their handmade handicraft along the way. Besides that, you can capture your moment with some big snakes and the snake is tame to you where you can touch them. There is a holy snake inside the cave and from the Hindu's believe that where the snake lives in the temple and the visitors allowed to touch the snake and donations are welcoming and the snake believes able to protect you from the other animals. 

     Tanah Lot Temple perched high on the rock, facing the wide-open ocean with the crashing waves below and the dramatic colours of the dusk sky as background, lit by the slowly disappearing sun. The History of Tanah Lot Temple was believed to date back to the 16th century, By Dang Hyang Niratha, a respected religious figure in Bali. Dang Hyang Niratha was said to be the one who created a three temples system in Balinese Villages. setting the site plan that the temple built in the northern area of the village would be for Brahma, Middle area for Vishnu, and the southern side for Shiva. While travelling along the southern coast of Bali, he saw a little rock - island and decided to spend the night. The rock was known as Gili Beo, Which means a bird-shaped rock, located in beraban village. He then felt enlightenment, that this was a holy place to build a shrine. The leader of Beraban was angry and order people to banish Niratha from Gili Beo. That's all a brief history of this temple. 

Find More Temples Tourist Attractions In Bali. 


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